World-class business intelligence, dashboards and reporting software systems were once too expensive for most companies.
Times have changed. If Ayudatek supports these workflows on your behalf, using its US-based team of experts, then almost any company can now afford to compete more effectively in a global market.
Attempting to staff and maintain: Reporting, dashboard, and financial workflows with your own permanent employees is crazy expensive.
We changed the delivery model to make it affordable, by providing the level of service you need, without wasting capital. Most firms cannot afford to retain their own high quality: Systems staff, CPA’s, MBA’s, PhD’s and PMP’s.
It costs 40% less if Ayudatek supplies the people and software you need for business intelligence AND the quality is often better.
Business intelligence and analytics: Drive margins, encourage behaviors, make problems visible before they hurt your business, and control costs.
Excel or other spreadsheet-based reporting tools cannot do this, in fact spreadsheet-based reporting is not even consumable nor understood by most staff, so the finance and operations teams often work hard to create reports that arrive too late to make a difference and very few Users even read!
If your Users first view of data is in rows & columns then its a failure to communicate and deliver understanding. Forcing Users to interpret insights by reading tables in spreadsheets is as inefficient as, "Trying to find a name in a phone book with the wrong spelling!"
Reporting needs to be tailored to each function and understood at a glance – we provide that.
See common KPI Examples and Dashboard Samples
We married Salesforce and Financial data together to drive
margins higher and help sales and operations staff better know their customers.
Our pre-bult Applets speed time to delivery and save you money.
We cut the cost of ESG reporting in HALF with a six-step
process that includes data integration and reporting.
Our pre-bult Applets speed time to delivery and save you money.
We automate Supply Chain Reporting to eliminate bad
decisions and drive efficiency.
Our pre-bult Applets speed time to delivery and save you money.
So, focus your time and money on what you are in business to do and leave your business intelligence, reporting and systems operations to us. You will save money, get better reporting, and avoid stress.
Finally, we can supply back office financial staff ranging from CFO's to Jr. Accountants. You may not have the need or resources to maintain your own finance team, so consider Ayudatek as an option to provide the specific level of support you need, with a North American team at a price point that is 40% less than full time staff.
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We provide services that help our clients drive profitability and automate workflows by putting data to work and leveraging the software & process that companies already own.
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